Mental Health - Pathways

ADHD pathways - From Sophie 15/11/24

Mindworks Surrey - Refer children under 18 yrs to Mindworks for ADHD and ASD assessment. No questionnaires are required, just a GP letter of referral. If the patient is accepted to the Neurodevelopmental Team they will be sent the questionnaires from them. 


Psychiatry UK Right to Choose - This in an online service for Adults only. Adults over 18 yrs can be referred for ASD and ADHD assessment. This service will offer medication if appropriate. 

For referral I will need a GP letter (they require it on practice letterhead - there is an up to date template if you type "locum referral") and the appropriate questionnaire completed.

I have done an accurx template which you can send to the patient that gives them the link to the required documents - type "psych UK" and it will come up. 

Here is their website if you want any further details - Right To Choose (ADHD) - Psychiatry-UK


Clinical Partners Right to Choose - This is an online service for children and adults for ASD and ADHD. 

They require a GP letter and questionnaire completed. 

*They do not offer medication - only diagnosis. 

*Currently they are not accepting Children's ADHD referrals due to capacity issues. 

Here is their website for further details - Right to choose ADHD & autism assessments | Clinical Partners


Harrow Health ADHD Assessment - Right to Choose - Adults over 18 years - ADHD assessment only. This is a new one that came about as a patient came in requesting this referral. Looking at their website they do say they accept referrals from all GP practices in the UK. They do not seem to ask for questionnaires, however do have a specific form that needs to be completed. As this is out of our area the form is not on Emis, however I will try and get this added. For now please see attached referral form. They do mention "patient will be discharged back to the GP for Shared Care once stabilised on medication. We are not commissioned to provide annual reviews, these will be undertaken in primary care"

Here is their website - Information For GPs - Referring Your Patient

Pharmacy First Referral Criteria